Summer Film Festival 4 Elements

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he theme that we have decided to pick for the fifth Summer Film Seminar 4 Elements is one that the very setting of our festival keeps invoking – the theme of a film city. Our aim is, however, not only to have a look at particular film cities. We are not only interested in how they are represented in film, whether they exist on the Earth, or elsewhere. We want to know how film through an (in)definite place discloses the various practices of our daily or somewhat more unusual lives. We are interested in what flow of emotions, images, memories, dreams and nightmares such places wake and intensify in us; places that accumulate life experience so that they themselves become characters (characters with temperament, intellect, feelings, expression). Therefore, we titled this year’s Summer Film Seminar 4 Elements Invisible cities and outline it as a tribute to Italo Calvino and his well-known Le cittá invisibili.